Cantaloupe says that despite micro markets seeing an increase in popularity in the UK and Europe, many operators are hesitant to fully embrace them. The reason? They’re concerned about security.
Given micro markets’ open dynamic, the lack of cashiers and an honour-coded self-checkout system, operators are concerned about protecting their investments. While those worries are valid, Shaun Burger of Cantaloupe says that the level of theft accounts for less than 2% of turnover.
“When you look at a micro market, there’s obviously a lot of opportunity for theft,” says Shaun. “Typically, vending operators shy away from micro markets because of the expectation that theft will hit them hard where it hurts. But the fact is that the total loss we see, on average, through micro markets, is less than 2%.”
If operators are still concerned about the potential theft, Cantaloupe has a few suggestions for keeping a micro market secure, including:
- Choosing safe, closed environments for your micro market: Placing a micro market in universities, corporate offices, hotels or other locations that already have security measures can ensure the safety of products.
- Installing security cameras, live monitors, and signage: Install cameras and display monitors, and add signage so that customers see that the micro market is being visually monitored. This will add extra protection to your micro market.
- Investing in remote market management: Because there is no one physically attending to a micro market, operators are nervous about keeping track of a micro market and its data. This can be overcome by using a market management app like or which allow operators to remotely track sales and inventory, and monitor a micro market’s security.
- Adopting an appropriate pricing strategy: While theft only accounts for 2% of loss on a micro market, operators should still account for the risk and adjust their prices accordingly.
- Using the correct kiosk technology: Adopting kiosk technology that has an integrated camera monitor, like Cantaloupe Go kiosks, allows customers to make purchases while seeing themselves on camera (in the top screen of the kiosk).
The effective management of security concerns allows you as an operator to enjoy the advantages of the sales benefits incumbent in micro markets, while also giving operators the headspace to think more creatively about how they can maximise micro markets by appealing to more people.
Cantaloupe’s micro markets and adaptive technology ensure both the security of products and long-term success. Click here to learn more about Cantaloupe micro markets.
There’s more from Cantaloupe HERE on Planet Vending.
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