
Aeguana: Discover the Benefits of a Modular Micro-Market at Vendex Midlands

Aeguana is a technology company which specialises in automated retail solutions. With so many exhibitors at Vendex – and so little time to see the ones you need to see – you’d need a good reason to visit a supplier that maybe, you don’t yet know all that well… Perhaps, for you, Aeguana fits into this category?From modular micro-markets with fridges and freezers, to age verified sales and even bespoke in-store campaigns, the whole company is dedicated to delivering amazing experiences to consumers and at Vendex, you’ll have a chance to get ‘hands on’ with tech that could change your business, and in many cases your client’s businesses, for the better…

Do you serve 20 to 1.000’s of guests, in public or private environments? Do you offer snacks, hot and cold drinks and fresh meals?  Do you have age control that allows the sale of alcoholic beverages? Then have you considered a modular micro market?

BoostPOS is the game-changing innovation for European operators. It’s a completely modular solution that allows you to power any point of sale; from coolers and freezers to coffee and entire markets…

Traditional micro-markets attempt a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, which comes with high fixture costs, a full-trust system and limited customer accountability. BoostPOS is a modular solution designed to deliver F&B solutions where consumers need them with the products they want. With BoostPOS, fridges, freezers, vending machines and hot drinks can be combined in any configuration imaginable. Consumers love it: they can avail themselves of a broader product selection, including otherwise restricted products, such as alcohol. They enjoy improved promotional offers – ‘meal deals’ – combining food, snacks and hot drinks. Payment methods are flexible, can be integrated with local payment and hospitality systems and can include loyalty and rewards programmes.

Operators benefit from significantly lower theft rates; from accountability (customers have identified themselves via a digital payment method); from competitive differentiation that helps win key accounts with low CapEx scalable models with lower fixture costs for smaller deployments compared with the ‘traditional’ approach.

Boost Fridge
Worried about the cost and operational constraints of scales and RFID tags? Aeguana has worked with some of the industry’s leading product engineers and F&B operators to build the smart fridge of the future. The Boost Fridge is designed specifically to reduce operational complexity, increase merchandising opportunities and provide consumers a seamless shopping experience.

AeguanaThe Boost Fridge was built with the merchandiser in mind: it offers a flexible solution that delivers extra revenues and efficiencies at scale. With the Boost Fridge, there is minimal risk of merchandising errors with flexible placement of products. There is no fixed planogram therefore new products can easily be added to the offer on the spot. The absence of RFID and scales means fewer parts that can break (or go wrong generally) and there’s full stock management on POS — no separate app or handheld device is required.

‘Fewer than 1% of vending units placed today are smart fridges which have historically been limited in application due to theft risks’ Jason Vincent, Aeguana CEO and Co-Founder said. ‘Advanced solutions such as RFID tags and scales may appear elegant at first sight, but they introduce operational complexity that are not practical at scale.

‘Our Boost Vision Fridge changes that: built as an add-on module to our regular Boost Fridge, our 6X Ultra HD, 60fps high speed cameras, track every purchase and merchandising activities, for minimum theft and maximum convenience’, he said.

Vendex is famous as a marketplace where old friends meet, but why not make Vendex Midlands 2023 the event where you made a vital new contact that really made you think positively about the future of your business and what’s possible?

*You’ll find Jason and the Boostbar x Aeguana team on Stand 97-98 at Vendex Midlands


About the author

The Editor

Planet Vending’s Editor is Ian Reynolds-Young and it’s Ian’s unique writing talent that has made PV what it is today – the best read (red) vending blog in the world, and vending’s best read (reed). Ian ‘tripped and fell into vending’, in the capacity of PR executive, before launching a specialist agency, ‘reynoldscopy’, dedicated to the UK Vending business. The company continues to represent the interests of many of the sector’s leading brands.

‘It’s all about telling stories’, he says. ‘We want to make every visit to PV a rewarding experience. By celebrating the achievements of the UK’s operating companies, we’re on a mission to debunk the idea that vending is retailing’s poor relation.’

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