ARN’s Ones to Watch 10 – Hello again! It may not feel like it, but the warmer weather is around the corner and as the temperature rises, so do sales of drinks and snacks. So, let’s make hay while the sun shines!
Carabao drinks are right on the money when it comes to consumer demand and here’s an opportunity not to be sniffed at: You can buy Original Flavour, Mango Burst, Mixed Berry and Green Apple for £8.89 a case, (12 x 500ml), but now if you order four, you’ll pay for just three. £5.79 per case for the cans.
Get More Vits’ range has also been primed for success. The 500mm bottles – all five of them – are now £7.99 a case, while the 330ml cans can be had for £7.89 a case. In either case (see what we did there?), you’ll enjoy the benefits of ‘Buy Five, Pay for Four’.
That’s enough to whet anybody’s appetite…
Especially if your chilled drink is accompanied by a bag of crisps… We’re busy with Burt’s mouth-watering range this month. Their ‘standard’ crisps – all seven flavours! – are available for £6.49 a case (20 x 40gm); Ridges are on at £7.99, (20 x 50gm); Lentil Crisps are £6.49, (16 x 20gm); Guinness Crisps are also £6.49, (20 x 40gm). Fill your boots!
And that’s not all. There’s also a great price on Kettle Chips. We think you’ll agree that £5.99 a case is pretty good going for such a top brand…
And if crisps don’t do it for you, we wonder if Skittles Squishy Clouds do? Apparently, they are now squishier, softer and a whole lot bouncier than they used to be, which we can only assume is a good thing! They’re available in two varieties – Crazy Sours and Fruits – at £11.49 a case. And while you’re at it, Skittles at £9.80 and Giant Skittles at £10.59 should also get the cloud-based equivalent of tills ringing.
And finally, a bit of good news which really is hot off the press. (14 April 2023). The good people at Pladis have responded to market forces by giving their ever-popular Mini Cheddars some additional support, by means of a little extra funding. It means that from now, until the end of May, the price for Mini Cheddars is £11.29.
So, it’s good-bye from us until next time. Meanwhile, get ready for the great warm-up by stocking the products that people look for when the mercury starts to rise. Most of all, don’t let the sun catch you crying…
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